

Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing

Wednesday 29 April 2015

3 - day ‘Rashtriya Sewa Sangam’ concludes; 3050 delegates of 707 NGO’s from 532 districts attended

Attended by 3050 delegates representing 707 Seva NGO’s from 532 districts, Rashtriya Sewa Bharati organised 3-day Rashtriya Sewa Sangam 2015 concluded in New Delhi on 6th April 2015.

Saha - Sarakaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale addressed the valedictory.
Mata Amrutanandamayi Devi, Wipro Chief Azim Premji, GMR Group Chairman Grandhi Mallikarjun Rao, Industrialist Atul Gupta, RSS Sarasanghachalak Mohan Bhagwat, RSS Sarakaryavah Suresh (Bhaiyyaji) Joshi, RSS Sah-sarakaryavahs Dr Krishna Gopal, Suresh Soni, RSS Akhil Bharatiya Seva Pramukh Suhas Hiremath, Sah Seva Pramukh Ajit Mahapatra, Rashtriya Sewa Bharati President Surya Prakash Tonk, RSS national functionaries Dr Manmohan Vaidya, J Nandakumar, Mukunda CR and several other top functionaries attended this 3 day conclave of NGO’s from across the nation.

Details of speech by Dattatreya Hosabale (In Hindi) is given below.
समापनसत्रमेंश्रीहोसबलेनेदेशके 532 जिलोंसेयहांआये 3050 प्रतिनिधियोंकोसंबोधितकरतेहुएकहाकिइससंगममेंहुएविचार-विमर्शसेअगलेपांचवर्षतकइनपांचबिंदुओंपरध्यानकेन्द्रितकरनेमेंमददमिलेगी- सेवाकार्योंकीगतिबढ़ाना, सेवाकार्योंकीसंख्याबढ़ाना, सेवाकार्योंकेआयामोंमेंवृद्धि, गुणवत्तामेंअभिवृद्धितथाप्रभाव (इम्पैक्ट) मेंवृद्धि.
RSS Saha - Sarakaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale addressing
राष्ट्रीयसेवाभारतीसेजुड़े 707 गैरसरकारीसंगठनोंकेइनप्रतिनिधियोंकोश्रीहोसबलेनेअनेकसफलतादायकपरामर्शदिये. उन्होंनेव्यवस्थितढंगसेसेवाकार्यकरनेकास्वभावबनानेकाआग्रहकरतेहुएकहाकिदेशमेंशिक्षाऔरस्वास्थ्यकेक्षेत्रमेंजरूरतमंदलोगोंकेबीचएवंजलस्रोतोंकेशुद्धिकरणकेलियेपरिणामदायीकामकरनेकीबहुतआवश्यकताहै.
सहसरकार्यवाहनेयहभीआशाव्यक्तकीकिसेवाभारतीसेजुड़ेसंगठनोंकाकामकाजइतनेउत्कृष्टस्तरकाहोनाचाहियेजिससेयहसेवाकेक्षेत्रमेंमानकबनसके. इसकेलियेउन्होंनेसुझायाकिसेवाभारतीसेसम्बद्धसंगठनअन्यकार्योंकेअलावाएक-दोक्षेत्रमेंविशेषज्ञताहासिलकरें, सकारात्मकपरिवर्तनलानेकेलियेसुनिश्चितयोजनातैयारकरेंऔरदक्षताविकासकेलियेनिरंतरप्रशिक्षणकार्यक्रमचलायेंजिससेप्रत्यक्षकार्यक्षेत्रमेंआवश्यकविशिष्टज्ञानकेसाथहीसामूहिकता, परिश्रम, लगन, निरंतरता, समन्वयऔरआदर्शनेतृत्वकारीगुणोंकाविकासहोसके.
स्वामीविवेकानंदकीशिक्षाओंकास्मरणकरतेहुएउन्होंनेकहाकिहमेंपश्चिमीजगतसेआधुनिकज्ञानसीखनेमेंकोईसंकोचनहींकरनाचाहिये. साथही, भारतकोविश्वकेबीचश्रेष्ठस्थानपरप्रतिष्ठितकरनेकेप्रयत्नोंमेंभारतीयमूलकेविदेशोंमेंबसेलोगोंविशेषकरयुवकोंसेसहायतालीजासकतीहै. उन्होंनेइसबातपरप्रसन्नताव्यक्तकीकिउच्चशिक्षितयुवकोंमेंसेवाकाआकर्षणबढ़रहाहै. वेअच्छीनौकरियांछोड़करसेवाक्षेत्रमेंरहेहैं.
श्रीहोसबलेनेप्रतिनिधियोंकोइसबातसेसावधानकियाकिसेवाकार्यमेंकिसीभीप्रकारकीअस्पृश्यताकाकोईविचारअपनेमनमेंरखें. वेयहभीसदैवअपनेध्यानमेंरखेंकिसमाजकेसभीलोगोंकीदुर्बलतादूरकियेबिनासमर्थभारतनहींबनसकता. इसकेलियेउन्होंनेबिलियर्ड्सकेनौबारविश्वचैम्पियनरहेगीतसेठीकेआत्म-जीवनवृतकाउल्लेखकरतेहुएकहाकिसेवाकार्यआनंदकीअनुभूतिपानेकेलियेकरेंतोसफलताउनकेचरणचूमेगी.
श्रीहोसबलेनेसेवाकेमहत्वकोरेखांकितकरतेहुएकहाकियहजीवनकामंत्रहै. यहजड़-चेतनमेंव्याप्तईश्वरकीउपासनाकामाध्यमहै. यहकिसीकेउपकारकेलियेनहींहोती. वैसेकिसीभीक्षेत्रमेंकामकरनाभीसेवाहीहै. उन्होंनइसेवृहदआंदोलनकीकड़ीनिरूपितकरतेहुएकहाकिसुदृढ़औरसमर्थसमाजसेवाभारतीकाविज़नमिशनहै. उन्होंनेस्वामीविवेकानंदकेकथनकोउद्धृतकरतेहुएकहाकिसेवाकेरूपमेंत्यागकीअभिव्यक्तिहोतीहै. विवेकानंदनेकहाथाकिजोदूसरोंकेलियेजीरहेहैं, वहीवास्तवमेंरहेहैं. जोसिर्फअपनेलियेजीरहेहैं, वेमृतप्राय: हैं. सेवास्वयंऔरदूसरोंकोनरसेनारायणबनानेकाउपायहै. सचमुच, यहदैवीभावजाग्रतकरनेमेंसमर्थहैऔरयहविभिन्नप्रकारकेऋणचुकानेकाभीमाध्यमहै.
इससेपूर्वराष्ट्रीयस्वयंसेवकसंघके. भा. सेवाप्रमुखश्रीसुहासरावहिरेमठनेबतायाकिइससंगममेंदेशकेसभीराज्योंके 707 स्वयंसेवीसंगठनोंके 3050 प्रतिनिधियोंनेभागलिया, इनमें 2535 पुरुषऔर 515 महिलायेंशामिलहैं. कार्यक्रमकेप्रारम्भमेंदिल्लीसेवाभारतीकेअध्यक्षश्रीतरुणजीनेश्रीहोसबलेकास्वागतकिया. सबसेअंतमेंराष्ट्रीयसेवाभारतीकेराष्ट्रीयमहामंत्रीश्रीऋषिपालडडवालनेआभारव्यक्तकिया. मंचपरराष्ट्रीयसेवाभारतीकेध्यक्षश्रीसूर्यप्रकाशटोंकभीउपस्थितथे.

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Let Us Extend Helping Hand To Our Bretheren In NEPAL

Rashtriya Sewa Bharati appeals to the benevolent to be generous to provide succor to the Nepal Earthquake affected. Your timely contribution will save many and provide relief to thousands.

For the relief of disaster affected people in Nepal, Rashtriya Sewa Bharati is maintaining a new Bank Account; the particulars of Account are as under,

Name       : Rashtriya Sewa Bharati – Aapda Pidit Sahayata Kosh
A/C No      : 34895627803
IFSC Code :  SBIN0009371
Swift code  : SBININBB543
Bank           : State Bank of India
Branch       :  Jhandewalan, New Delhi

Rashtriya Sewa Bharati is registered under FCRA and also has Income Tax exemption under IT Act 80G for domestic donors.

It is mandatory for every donor to inform his/her identity like name address, contact number & mail id; and the cause towards which this is being donated like “towards Aapda Pidit Sahayata Kosh”.   

Contact @ General Secretary : Sri. Rishipal Dadwal :  0 - 93111 56329,0 - 98189 76734


Rashtriya Sewa Sangam to promote national integration on 4 - 6th April 2015, New Delhi

Rastriya Sewa Bharati is an umbrella organization catering to impoverished, under privileged and the destitute section of society through a relentless crusade, being launched by the dedicated and committed task force of selfless, social volunteers, and drawn from various branches of the Sangh Parivaar at a pan India Scale.

Today, Rastriya Sewa Bharti has grown by leaps & Bounds as one of the India’s  front line, community service driven, non government organization, which is embedded with patriotic and nationalist values & virtues, being percolated to  the last mile beneficiary.
Rastriya Sewa Bharati is currently engaged in pursuing notable projects like Vivekananda Medical Foundation & Research Centre in Latur, RSS Jankalyan Samiti Maharashtra Prant, Arogya Chetna Shivir in Guwahati, Sewa Bharati Samithi in Jaipur, Keshav Seva Sadhana in Goa, Dr. Ambedkar Vanvaasi Kalyaan Trust in Surat, Paryavaran, Gram Vikas, Anusandhan, etc., which have made sizable contributions in true interest of the public welfare.
After the matchless success saga of the 1st ever Rastriya Sewa Sangam , being concluded at Bangalore on February 2010, the 2nd  Rastriya Sewa Sangam , under  the edges of Rastriya Sewa Bharti  is slated to be held in  the Nation’s Capital on 4th 5th & 6th , April 2015 which will be a congregation of 3000 social volunteers associated with Rastriya Sewa Bharti. Amongst them,  Over 800 social service organizations will participates to redeem the solemn and benign dream of “ Samras Bharat Samarth Bharat”. The unique feature will be the out of the total volunteers; over 500 of them represent the impeccable Nari Sakhti.

2nd National Sewa Sangam is going to be organized by the Rastriya Sewa Bharti on 4th 5th & 6th April ,2015 at Blue Saffire & City Palace Resort, GT Karnal Road, Alipur ,NH-1 ,Delhi. Which will be rename only for three days as “ Samrasta Nagar”.

The primary Objective of the 2nd Rastriya Sewa Sangam will offer a brid’s eye prospective of the various social service organizations who are playing a pivotal role in bringing about a decisive change in the socio cultural fabric of the nation. This event will offer tremendous amount of motivation and confidence amongst the participants to get an ocean of information about the role of Rastriya Sewa Bharati in India, Bringing them at the center stage with the towering National leaders and social workers, hailing from the diverse carders of the Rastriya Sewa Bharati at an all India Scale. The magnitude of Opinion Builders and Decision Makers will also be a catalyst in mobilizing a mass momentum to serve the nation with a missionary zeal. In nutshell, the 2nd National Sewa Sangam will turn the Dream of Samrash Bharat, Samrath Bharat, into a national pledge and will be an iconic theme to make all the participants self enthusiastic about the goals & objectives laid down by the Rastriya Sewa Bharti to integrate the entire Nation at large.

Amongst the programme highlights, the 2nd Rastriya sewa Sangam will be inaugurated by the blessing of her holiness Param Pujya Saint Amritanandamayi Amma with renowned industrialist and businessman Shri Atul Gupta as the Chief Guest on 4th April on 10 am. At 5 pm on the same day, Sirkaryvah Ji Suresh Ji Joshi (Bhaiya Ji) from the R.S.S. will enlighten the participants on the topical social issues & concern.
On 5tn April at 10.30 am a public programme will be grassed by eeminent 500 National Leaders along with the Valedictory Address by the Hon’ble Sar Sanghachalak Respected Shri Mohan Bhagwat Ji who will act as a source of inspiration to rekindle the lamp of enlightenment amongst the enthusiastic social participants, along with Wipro Chairman Shri Azim Premji as the Chief Guest of the function.

The closing session will be held on 6 April 2015 at 11 am where Saha Sarkarya Shri Dattatreya Hosbaley Ji will address the participants with his motivational speech and showcase path breaking avenues to serve the destitute sections of the society all across India, anywhere, any time.

During the three days interactive programme they will be a thread bare deliberation on various subjects of social service, besides articulating about allocation of funds for the various existing & upcoming social welfare projects. The experience of the season volunteers from the Rastriya Sewa Bharti will be the one of the major attraction as this will infuse a refreshing torrent of knowledge, to create Samras Bharat Samrth Bharat with redefine thrust & priority.

Yet another star attraction of the 3 days fan fair will be an exclusive exhibition featuring Photo Gallery and the Audio Visual Presentation to Highlight the Giant strides made by the various units of the Rastriya Sewa Bharti in uplifting the cause of protection & welfare of Cows for the entire mankind. This exhibition will be inaugurated by the Divine blessing of spiritual leader Shri Rajeshrashram Ji Maharaj which will make this entire event all the more successful,meaning full and productive, for the overall interest.

Rashtriya Sewa Sangam 2015 #Sewabharati Exhibition inaugurated by Sankaracharya Raj Rajeswar Ashram

Rashtriya Sewa Sangam 2015 Sewabharati Exhibition inaugurated by Sankaracharya Raj Rajeswar Ashram

Mata Amritanandamayi to inaugurate 3-day ‘Rashtriya Seva Sangam’ on April 4 at New Delhi

Noted spiritual leader Mata Amritanandamayi Devi  to inaugurate the 3-day Rashtreeya Sewa Sangam, a national convention of all allied NGOs of Rashtriya Seva Bharathi on April 4, 2015 at New Delhi. The 3-day convention Rashtriya Seva Sangam to be held on April 3, 4 and 5 at Blue Sapphire and City Park on the outskirts of New Delhi in Alipur.
RSS Sarasanghachalak Mohan Bhagwat to attend the valedictory ceremony on April 5th, 2015 . Such a convention happening for the second time of its kind, the first convention was held at Bengaluru in 2010.
FILE PHOTO: First ever Seva Sangam convention 2010″, a historic national convention of Rashtriya Seva Bharathi was held  Bengaluru on February 6-7, 2010. Sri Sri RaviShankar Guruji. RSS former chief Sri K. S. Sudarshan ji,  Dr. NR Shetty, Dr. Dayananda Pai were present on the dais.
FILE PHOTO: First ever Seva Sangam convention 2010″, a historic national convention of Rashtriya Seva Bharathi was held Bengaluru on February 6-7, 2010. Sri Sri RaviShankar Guruji. RSS former chief Sri K. S. Sudarshan ji, Dr. NR Shetty, Dr. Dayananda Pai were present on the dais.
Several social workers, other noted donors and sponsors for social service projects from the industrial and the intellectual world, would assemble here in this April meet to be a part of a mega function, which will showcase the strength and networking of RSS-affiliated 800 organisations that are working among the socially deprived sections of society.
RSS is running around 1,60,000 seva activities of different kinds across the country, serving the poor and needy.
RSS Sarakaryavah Suresh Bhaiyyaji Joshi, who once held the responsibility of Akhil Bharatiya Seva Pramukh, will be participating in this 3-day convention.
Nearly  4000 delegates are expected to participate in the three-day event to be held from April 4 to 6, under the RSS umbrella community service organisation ‘Rashtreeya Sewa Bharti’.
Suhas Rao Hiremath,  Akhil Bharatiya Seva Pramukh of the RSS said, “The purpose behind the congregation is to highlight the work done by these organisations in various sectors like health, women’s empowerment, education, and environment. The karykartas will discuss the activities undertaken by them and decide the road map ahead in their group discussions.”
First of its Kind, the Seva Sangama was held for the first time on February 6,7 and 8 – 2010 at Nitte Meenakshi Adyanthaya Institute of Technology at Yelahanka, Bengaluru. Former RSS Sarasanghachalak KS Sudarshan, Sri Sri Ravishankar jointly inaugurated the event. RSS Sarasanghachalak Mohan Bhagwat, Yogaguru Baba Ramdev, along with several social workers attended the  3-day event in 2010.